The Semper Marine Detachment is planning a trip to Parris Island, SC. Yes, the place you could not wait to get back to. The dates are October 11-13, 2017. Cost of the trip is $300.00 includes transportation, 2-night hotel stay (free continental breakfast, and Wi-Fi), Tour of Parris Island training areas, Dinner with the Drill instructor, opportunity to watch the Friday morning graduation and beverages for the trip.

We currently have approximately 28 passengers. We are looking for twenty more seats to fill. Because of the amount of money needed to be paid in advance, the $300.00 fee is not refundable. You can sell your seat to some else.

This is in no way shape or form a fund raiser. If there are any monies left over after the trip, it will be equally divided and distributed.

For more information contact our Senior-Vice Dave McWilliams at 856- 692-4300.

This is a first come first served event.