Greetings Marines,
We are pleased to announce that the Department of New Jersey will assemble its 21st Annual Leadership School to be held on 11 March 2023. The class will take place at the Learning Center located at 100 Camp Drive, Sea Girt, NJ. The class will begin at 0800 and conclude at approximately1630.
Our course outlines and curriculum will facilitate a greater understanding and working knowledge for the attendees while covering general and operational aspects of the Marine Corps League and the duties its officer corps.
It is strongly encouraged and recommended that all newly elected/appointed officers attend. The deadline for application is Friday, 25 February 2023.
The cohort will be limited to 40 members. Should an opening become available, accommodations will be made on a first come first served basis.
It is advisable to register early as the class fills up quickly.
The cost is $40.00 and is Non-Refundable upon commitment.
The application will be attached to all electronic correspondence emanating from the Dean and will also be available on the Department web site at
Checks are to be made payable to: Department of New Jersey Marine Corps League, and mailed to:
Leadership School Dean
c/o Michael Waluk
201 Westfield Avenue
Piscataway, NJ 08854-5539
For any questions or concerns, please contact:
Leadership School Dean: Michael Waluk (732) 689-0034
2023 Leadership School Announcement & Application (3237 downloads )
2023 Leadership School Application - Fillable (3295 downloads )