Cape-Atlantic Detachment of the Marine Corps League is hosting their 14th Annual Golf Outing on May 19, 2024. Cost is $165 per golfer at Ron Jaworski’s Blue Heron Pines Golf Club. Help us support our
South Jersey Veterans.We honor their service and sacrifices.
Registration fees includes continental breakfast with beer and soda, plus a fabulous backyard BBQ at the end of the outing. Beer tickets with continental breakfast and lunch. Bottled ice water at the start and turn. Come for lunch only at 1pm for $30.
Sign In 7:00 am – 7:50 am Shotgun start at 8:00 am. Scramble format. Trophies plus golf foursomes to the 1st place men & women’s teams and trophies for closest to pin, longest drive and straightest drive. Trophies Courtesy of Action Uniform. 1st hole-in-one on the selected par 3 hole wins a brand new Chevy courtesy of Bennett Chevrolet. Chance Auction for dinners for two, baskets of cheer and golf foursomes.
Golf-Outing-2024-Cape-Atlantic.pdf (1254 downloads )