This “Commandant’s Corner” ZOOM call will be on TUESDAY, MAY 16, 2023 AT 7 PM with host the topic of 100th National Convention in Oklahoma City, OK. On board will be the host committee answering questions and delivering information all the great things planned.
We will also welcome any “First Timer” questions. What to pack? What is the protocols? How do I register? etc.
Please pass this information about the ZOOM, and please be reminded that it is NOT only for Commandants and/or officers, but all members of the MCL & MCLA.
Reminder: This is a ZOOM meeting and NOT a Facebook event. This Facebook event is only posted to act as a reminder to all.
Meeting ID: 416 428 8328
Passcode: MCL2023 (all caps)
Passcode: MCL2023 (all caps)