All plans have been set and are in place thanks to the diligent work of Dept JVC Chris Soldano. All necessary forms regarding the convention are available on the convention web page. Please distribute these forms to your respective members ASAP.
The link for hotel room guest reservations is active. Please note that after you make your reservation, the reservation will reflect your number of guests as “1”, even if you indicate 2+ guests, the system by default will indicate 1. This will in no way interfere with your actual number of guests attending. Simply put, just ignore the response if you see it.
I encourage all detachments to submit an ad in our ad book. It’s great exposure for you and it helps offset the costs of the convention. Equally, please take a moment to recognize your hard working colleagues via various awards offered by the Department.
Any questions should be directed to JVC Chris Soldano via email at [email protected]. or phone at (908) 809-8835.
Thank you and Semper Fidelis,
John Cleary, P.C.
Department of New Jersey
Marine Corps League