The 2023 Department of New Jersey Department Convention is set and ready to open for Convention and MODD Registration from 1430 – 1700 tomorrow June 8th at Crowne Plaza Princeton in Plainsboro, New Jersey. The registration table will be in the hallway outside the Einstein Room where we will be holding the convention on Friday. This is the same room we were in last year. From 1900 – 2200 we will have a social event with pizza, snacks, refreshments, music, and games available in our Hospitality Room #110. This is down the back hallway behind the Einstein room. The same room we had lunch in last year.

Convention and MODD registration will reopen from 0800 – 0900. Registration will NOT be available when the business meeting is in session but will be open during break sessions. 0900 starts the MCL/MCLA joint opening and work session. Undress uniform or civilian attire is suggested.

For more details on the schedule, download the updated file: