***Mark Your Calendars! Zoom link will be posted when avalable***

Marine Corps League members,

It is that time again, for the Marine Corps League, to hold elections at the National convention. One of those elections is for the position of National Judge Advocate. In my opinion, one of the most important positions in the top 4 and one that provides the very foundation for the newly elected member to move up the chairs if so desired.

This commitment once you are elected to the NJA, is not only to this specific office, but a 10-year journey that ends at the National Jr. Past Commandant position. When I look at an NJA running for office, I look at them as National Commandant.

On May 24th, 2023 at 1900 EDST, Victoria McCoy of the PR committee and I will be holding a “Meet the candidates” zoom and we are seeking input from you the members. Currently, we are looking for questions from you the members, to ask the NJA candidates.

Currently there are 4 currently running for the NJA position. Here is a list of those candidates. In no particular order we have,

David Porter. David is the NVC for the New England Division.
Bruce Rakfeldt. Bruce is the Past NVC for the Mideast Division.
Scott Westervelt. Scott is the Current Commandant for the Department of Florida.
Robert Ziltz. Robert is the National Budget Commitee Chairman and Past Department of Pennsylvania Commandant.

We need your questions for these candidates as soon as possible. Victoria McCoy will be hosting the zoom and I will be there to assist.

I ask that the department commandants please push this down to your detachments.

Please send your questions to me at [email protected] or to Victoria McCoy at [email protected]

Semper Fi

TJ Morgan
National Jr Vice Commandant
Marine Corps League