Amended Bylaws – Department Administrative Procedures

Marines, Today the Department of New Jersey Executive Board has approved a change in our Department Administrative Procedures to correct and give better flexibility to the nomination process for Department Marine of The Year. This change was made using  the following...

National MCL Library

From: Bob Borka,  Headquarters Marine Corps League Subject: Library Please go to our main website and lock the library link. It will go to: My wife and I have spent a few evenings building it. Certainly not done but it is what I was looking for...

Viet Nam Veteran Memorial Dedication – March 29th

Courtesy of Frank Arminio, 1st Vice President, NJ State Council, Vietnam Veterans of America…  Viet Nam Veteran memorial dedication is March 29th at 12 noon. You are invited to attend the Viet Nam Veteran memorial dedication is March 29th at 12 noon. The place...