Department of New Jersey News
Have news you’d like to submit? Email [email protected] to have your news posted.
May Deadlines for 2023 Department of New Jersey Convention Awards Applications
The 2023 Department of New Jersey Convention awards applications deadline is next month! Don't miss the deadline to recognize your detachment members! New Jersey Detachments’ Newsletter Award - May 12 Department of New Jersey Recruiters of the Year- May...
Cpl. William H. Smith Detachment Annual Veterans Dance
Come out and support the Marine Corps League at the Annual Veterans Dance! Hot food buffet, salad, bread, butter, coffee, tea, dessert and a cash bar will be available. Music will be supplied by DJ Louie for your dancing pleasure! Cost is $25 per person. Dress code is...
NJ Pack MODD Growl on April 23
ATTENTION, Dogs of the Order! The next New Jersey Pack MODD Growl is Sunday, April 23, 2023 at the Freehold Elks, 73 E Main St, Freehold, NJ 07728. Dog house opens at 9:15am. Growl begins at 10am. Don't forget your BIG Bones! See you all Sunday!
Cape-Atlantic Detachment 13th Annual Golf Outing
Help us support our South Jersey Veterans. We honor their service and sacrifices with the Cape-Atlantic Detachment of the Marine Corps League 13th Annual Golf Outing on May 21, 2023 - $165 per golfer at Ron Jaworski’s Blue Heron Pines. Includes continental breakfast...
West Hudson Detachment Marine Corps League 2023 Pig Roast
Cost is $30 per member/ $35 per member & 1 guest/ $40 non member. Children under 12 eat free! Price includes food and beverages. Online Payment Methods: Paypal: @whd209 Venmo: westhudsondetachment Download Flier:
National Board of Trustee (BOT) Action on Life Membership Fees
The National Board of Trustees met on 19 April 2023 to discuss the Marine Corps League’s Life Membership Fees. It was determined that the Life Membership Fees have not been increased for approximately 19 years. In the year 2004, it was the last time that Life...
National Judge Advocate Elections – Meet the Candidates Zoom Call May 24th
***Mark Your Calendars! Zoom link will be posted when avalable*** Marine Corps League members, It is that time again, for the Marine Corps League, to hold elections at the National convention. One of those elections is for the position of National Judge Advocate. In...
Department Elected Officer Announcements
At our last Department General Meeting on March 19th, the following made announcements for their intention to seek a Department Elected Officer position: Commandant - Mike Waluk (Central Jersey Leathernecks Detachment #868) Sr. Vice Commandant - Christopher Soldano...
Department of NJ 50/50 Raffle 2023
Pertaining to the Department’s 50/50 raffle for our upcoming convention in June, each detachment is asked to sell all 100 tickets that were issued to the detachment in January. To make this request a more lucrative situation for the detachments, a bonus of 10% of the...
Honor Walk 2023 – Meet & Greet Event on March 26 from 1300-1500
I am happy to announce the Department of New Jersey – Marine Corps League will be hosting a Social / Meet & Greet event at the NJ National Guard Training Center in Sea Girt on Sunday, March 26, 2023 from 1300 – 1500 hours. The event will be held at the pavilion...
West Hudson Detachment’s 9th Annual Youth Match
Our shooting team cordially invites Marines, Associtates, Friends and Family to our nineth annual Youth Match! Other than safecy, there's only one rule...Have Fun! $20 includes use of a .22 rifle, 30 rounds of ammo and targets. Eyes and ears free of charge. A great...
Chapel of the Four Chaplains South Nomination Deadline is April 7
With much effort from our new Southern Liaison for the Chapel of Four Chaplains, Dominique Shterban, we have a date set for our southern ceremony at Semper Marine Det. 205, 2041 West Landis Ave in Vineland. The ceremony is scheduled for Sunday May 7, 2023 at 1300...